With women only accounting for 26.7% of the computing workforce, the tech industry has been male-dominated for far too long, but women like Marilyn are breaking down barriers and making their mark through significant contributions to the field. We are excited to introduce Marilyn Haber, a talented software engineer and the newest member of our team at Logisoft. We are thrilled to have Marilyn join our team, for she brings an outstanding attitude and unwavering passion that will undoubtedly contribute to our success. Her strong soft skills and eagerness to learn and grow make her an excellent addition to our team. Discover Marilyn's journey to becoming a software engineer, including her initial interest in the field, resources, challenges and impact on her life and career. Join us as we explore her thoughts on the onboarding process at Logisoft and her role on the team with the aim of inspiring women starting their own careers in software engineering and development.
"Not only a true inspiration, but also a necessity for diversity and inclusivity in the tech industry." - Noura Hotait
Motivation and Inspiration to Becoming a Software Engineer
Marilyn Haber is a computer science undergraduate and the newest member of our team. Marilyn was always intrigued by technology, and how it could be used to solve problems. But where did this fascination come from? Well, Marilyn tells the story of how her family taught her to write her name on a computer when she was just three years old. Her natural curiosity and love for questioning everything around her led her to an early interest in technology.
Growing up, Marilyn was fascinated by technology including computers, laptops, phones and PlayStations. There was a sparked desire to learn more about how these devices and games were made available to the public, and how websites were developed; at just the age of 12. Believe it or not! This brings us to 2014 to her first attempt at feeding her curiosity where she stumbled across “no code” tools before discovering her first programming language, JavaScript. Despite struggling at first, her passion for technology continued to grow.
In 2018, when it was time for her to decide on a career path, Marilyn had several options; from architecture to engineering and psychology. She participated in the Girls Got IT event, an initiative aimed to break down the cultural stereotypes surrounding women in STEAM subjects and provide young women with essential technology skills. Attending the GGIT, made her reconsider her choices. She noticed that she has the opportunity to make a change, and show the world that women can do it too! Marilyn started playing with the idea of becoming a software engineer.

Resources and Opportunities That Helped Marilyn Become a Software Engineer
Marilyn recalls being intimidated by the idea of spending long hours in front of a computer, but her passion for technology only continued to grow. She attended a Computer Science camp at NDU where she learned how to build games with C# and Unity over the course of 5 days. As time passed, Marilyn noticed her infatuation with anything related to technology; even fixing her friends’ laptops. Marilyn recalls a story when she successfully unlocked a password protected PC, and, of course, formatting wasn’t an option to avoid losing data. Stressing to some, but to Marilyn it was a “really fun challenge”. Her biggest asset in this domain is her curiosity and working towards finding solutions for problems.
Additionally, she followed a ton of developers and tech-influencers just to see how a developer's life looks like. This did nothing but fuel her interest in the field. The rest is history and the deal’s done! Computer Science it is!
Before attending university and as an aspiring software engineer, Marilyn took multiple Coursera courses, and learned Python in 2019 which further helped her in her studies and career. Marilyn also founded the Google Developer Student Club at the Lebanese University where she was inspired by the passion and excitement of the members who were keen to learn and share their knowledge.
In 2021, she enrolled in a Project Management course offered by Google where this experience showed Marilyn that she has a passion for managing tasks, organizing projects and setting clear goals. This mindset has helped her a lot in her personal life and being the leader of the GDSC core-team.

Marilyn soon applied to Logisoft, eager to become more involved in the tech world. Her hard work, positive attitude and willingness to learn paid off, for she is now a valuable member of the Logisoft team!
Challenges and Obstacles Faced as a Software Engineer
As a newbie, Marilyn’s journey in the tech field wasn't without its challenges. One of the challenges was dealing with imposter syndrome where Marilyn felt like everyone around her knew more than she did. Some people were not supportive of her entering the tech field as a female since it kind of went against the “norm”, but she also had encouragement from others. She chose to listen to her supportive circle, and that's what brought her to where she is today.
"Sometimes we only need a little push, someone to guide us and a community to support us!" - Marilyn Haber
Choosing to look at the glass half full, she was inspired by software engineers’ and developers' journeys, including those who started learning programming in their 30s and older. To put it in her own words, “They were inspiring. They showed me that becoming a developer is possible even without a degree. It's about having the dedication and the will to keep learning. They showed me that we should never wait until we become "ready" because we never will. All we have is now, and starting now is the best thing we could do! More importantly, it is better to pursue your passion later in life than never!”
"Coding is direction, programming is creativity. As a software developer, we harmoniously blend the two to tackle real-life issues with technology." - Marilyn Haber
She learned that being a software engineer isn't just about writing code, but rather finding solutions, building good architecture, maintaining it, and truly understanding what one’s doing.
Despite it all, Marilyn used these challenges as a motivation to keep pushing forward. Rather than giving up, she learned that the key is to seek help from others, and surrounded herself with a supportive community of peers, mentors and educators who helped her gain the skills and experience she needed to succeed.
She even didn't let a lack of a degree stop her from applying to Logisoft and pursuing her passion.
Marilyn’s Onboarding Experience at Logisoft: How She Went From a Newbie to a Proficient Software Engineer
To apply or not to apply?
Marilyn, can you tell our readers what motivated you to join Logisoft?
I saw the job posting on LinkedIn and thought about it for a while before finally deciding to apply. I hesitated at first because I was still pursuing my bachelor's degree and felt that I wasn't quite ready for a software engineer role. Yet, what really attracted me to the job was the fact that they were looking for candidates who were eager to learn and grow. This is exactly what I was looking for in my first career step; a company that would provide opportunities to expand my knowledge, unleash my creativity, and tackle challenging problems.
After receiving the happy news, how did you find the onboarding process? Was it easy for you to get up to speed on Logisoft's processes and products?
It was very clear that Logisoft valued "eagerness to learn" over previous experience which was a big relief for me. During the first three months, I focused on building my knowledge and developing my problem-solving skills, getting more introduced to the business, and understanding the solutions created by Logisoft. Then, I was able to work on a mini sample project similar to Logisoft software which helped me apply my newly acquired knowledge and skills before finally getting assigned real tasks to work on.
I quickly realized that I had found a "safe place" within the team where I could ask any questions and seek help whenever I needed it. The team has been incredibly supportive and has always encouraged me to pursue growth. I love the positive and empowering work environment at Logisoft!
Speaking of finding strength in challenges, did you face any challenges or difficulties during the onboarding process? How did you overcome them?
I wouldn't say that I faced any major difficulties during the onboarding process, but I did have to navigate some challenges along the way. The onboarding process was well documented, but as it was still a "work in progress" when I joined, I had to do my own research at times which is my guilty pleasure to be honest. Despite this and with a positive mindset and determination to succeed, I appreciated the opportunity to see different coding practices, and learn the reasoning behind Logisoft's approaches.
I also had to learn how to reconcile my own coding practices with Logisoft's approaches which was a bit of a learning curve at first. However, I quickly realized that stepping outside of my comfort zone and embracing the new challenges had a lot of benefits. It allowed me to expand my skill set, improve my problem-solving abilities, and become a more well-rounded and adaptable software engineer.
Interesting! What advice would you give to future team members going through the onboarding process?
"You will fall in love working here, so be ready for that!" - Marilyn Haber
My advice for future new team members joining Logisoft is to approach the onboarding process with a positive attitude and the willingness to learn. Even if you're experienced in a particular area, take the time to understand the company's approach and try to adapt your skills to fit in with the team's goals. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions and seek feedback from your colleagues.
It's important to focus on the present and not overthink what's to come, instead concentrate on thoroughly understanding the current concepts you are learning. Take some time to research and solve issues on your own, but don't hesitate to reach out to the team for assistance. Finally, embrace the challenges that come your way as they will help you grow as a developer and become more valuable to the team.
I can also guarantee that you will fall in love with working at Logisoft! The healthy work environment, supportive team and opportunities for growth and development are just a few of the things that make this company truly special.
What was your first impression of your team and the company’s culture? How did you feel when you first started working with the team?
When I received the news that I had been shortlisted for the next step in the hiring process, I was over the moon with excitement! The news came as a shock especially since I’m still an undergraduate student. I was grateful for the opportunity to work at Logisoft, and was eager to start my new role.
To be honest, I was fully committed to giving my best and securing this opportunity. I spent my days researching the company, reading more and more about Logisoft through the website, understanding the industry they are working in and looking up team members on LinkedIn. That's when and why I connected with Ghadi. After seeing her post on kick starting a career with no degree is possible at Logisoft, I got even more confident and motivated to join the team.
After being accepted, my first impression of the team and the company culture was one of positivity and support. I felt warmly welcomed from the moment I stepped in. I felt that I had found a place where I could grow and learn.
The team is very supportive, approachable and always willing to help which is great, especially since I am still a student and not as work-experienced as some of my colleagues. Ever since my first day, I feel like I am part of something special. I can't wait to start contributing to the team and company.
How have your role and responsibilities, as a software engineer, evolved since you first joined the team?
In my application, I mentioned that I am still confused in the area I would like to specialize in. Is it web development since I started my journey learning front-end? Or game development because I like the imagination and creativity it entails? Or maybe mobile application development? A lot was going on in my mind, but I was sure that I wanted to have an impact.
Joining Logisoft helped me discover desktop application development. It’s funny how fate works because days before receiving my acceptance email, I was planning on learning how to build those apps.
My skills have definitely elevated, especially that I am no longer confused where to start. The roadmap is now clear now that I know what I want to become, a .NET developer! I am focused and determined to gain the needed skills required to get the job done!
The best part is bridging the gap between theory and practice, for I’ve been applying what I’m learning in my classes to my work!
Overall, I am grateful for the growth and learning opportunities I have had at Logisoft, and I look forward to continuing evolving and expanding my skills in the future.
What have been some of your favorite parts of working with your team and the company?
One of my favorite parts of my workday is the small daily check-in meetings we have. During these meetings, we discuss our progress, plan our next steps and share any challenges or obstacles we may be facing. I appreciate these meetings as they provide a space for open communication and collaboration.
I recently came across a LinkedIn post where a software engineer was discussing "stand-up anxiety." At their company, they had daily "stand-up" meetings where each team member had to share three things: what they did yesterday, what they planned to do today, and what was blocking their progress. The engineer mentioned feeling stressed about these meetings and feeling like they were constantly being judged.
However, in my experience, our daily check-in meetings are much different. I enjoy sharing my progress and discussing any challenges I may be facing. These conversations not only keep me more aware of my tasks, but also allow me to ask for help and support from my team. Rather than feeling anxious, I find these meetings to be a source of comfort and relief.
What are your goals for your time at Logisoft? How would you like to contribute to the team and company?
My goal, as a software engineer, is to create an impact wherever I go. Not only am I driven by the desire to help others and make a difference in their lives, but also I believe in bridging the gap between theory and practice. As I’ve previously mentioned, the main reason for leading a Google Developer Student Club at my university is to guide students and help them kick start their careers. So, here I am empowering students every day!
As for Logisoft, joining a company that creates and develops freight management software solutions is a new industry for me. But I am eager to be creative and share my ideas within the team. At Logisoft, we are not just coding software. We believe beyond that. We are much more than that. We understand challenges and approach them as opportunities to craft solutions, and this is what I love. I look forward to contributing to the team and the company with my passion for technology by unleashing my creativity and coming up with out-of-the-box and helpful ideas and solutions!
I do believe in the effort made into Logisoft, its mission and that we are going places. I am grateful to be part of this journey!
What advice would you give newcomers and other aspiring software engineers, particularly women who may face additional barriers or challenges?
I advise newcomers and aspiring software engineers, especially women who may face additional barriers or challenges, to recognize and overcome the imposter syndrome. Don't let negative thoughts nor discouraging comments hold you back from achieving your goals. Instead, surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you and your potential.
Remember that learning is a never-ending process, and there is always more to discover and explore. I have always been a curious person and the more I learn, the more I realize how much I do not know. Honestly, it’s an eternal loop that never ends.
If you have the patience, determination and passion, then you have nothing to worry about! Keep coding, keep learning, and most importantly keep asking questions. It's okay not to know everything. The beauty of software engineering is that there's always something new to discover and explore. Curiosity doesn’t kill the cat, for when we’re curious, we listen better, understand better, and search for alternatives. This is exactly what makes us more innovative and creative.
Don't let self-doubt, challenges or norms hold you back from pursuing your dreams. Remember that everyone starts somewhere and the more you practice and learn, the better you will become. Embrace the learning process, and seek out supportive communities and mentors to help guide you along the way. Focus on your strengths and what you can control. Channel your energy into finding creative solutions and developing new skills that will help you overcome obstacles.
"People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs