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RoRo (Roll-on, Roll-off) freight is one of the freight industry's preferred shipment methods, compared explicitly to traditional shipping methods. The reason for this preference is the advantages and benefits that come with RoRo shipping. These include the speed and fast delivery as lorries and vehicles can be rolled right onto the vessel at one port then rolled off at another port. When it comes to RoRo freight management software solutions, these benefits will act as a way to increase your business efficiency, expedite your processes, and eventually contribute to your business growth!

Your Customers’ Delight

How customers perceive the way you do business is your reality. This is one of the primary factors of any business's success, especially in the freight and logistics industry, where customers' expectations are higher than ever. Every business can meet customers’ expectations but few can ‘delight’ their customers. This is called the WOW Factor.

Automating your RoRo offering improves your customer experience by ensuring that their shipments are handled well and their customers are receiving their cargo with utmost professionalism and speed. Using Logisoft RoRo freight management solution will give your customers access to a portal through which they will be able to book online without the need to send the bookings by email, track their shipments, check the upcoming sailing schedules, and much more! Think of it as a kind of self-service that customers can access at any time they want without the need to call and ask. It also improves the transparency between the business and the customer as in there will be no false promises on when the cargo will be delivered. Customer portals have various benefits which lead to satisfied and delighted customers that will remain loyal to your freight business. If you don't already have one, you should start searching for the best-in-breed freight management software.

Traceability and Tracking

Analyzing and tracking your data is crucial in any freight forwarding business. Traceability of shipments will help improve your business's performance by constantly being aware in real-time where your clients’ cargo is at and ensuring that everything is working the way it is supposed to. With RoRo freight, the cargo that is being shipped is usually more sensitive and expensive than others. That's why it is essential to ensure that all the data is being tracked and analyzed for the cargo's successful journey. This is only possible when the freight management system is integrated with other parties that are involved in the shipment to pull the shipping updates and information. Your freight business cannot do this by itself; it needs the help of advanced software that will, well, pretty much do all of that for you. From delivery dates to shipping routes, you'll be able to manage and keep your eye on the whole shipment process. That's one of the benefits of RoRo freight management software; you don't have to worry about doing any of the work; it does it for you!

Improved Storage and Park Efficiency

One of the main factors that are critical to success in the logistics industry is ensuring inventory and storage efficiency. The thing is that this is actually a complex area as it includes many moving parts. An advanced freight management software will allow you to streamline these areas by automating the processes of the yard and transportation, barcode and RFID management, key operations alerts and push notifications enabled on handheld devices, and complete track and trace of the storage and dispatching.

RoRo Customization and Personalization

These days, customization and personalization are key in every single business if that business really wants to connect with its customers. A general freight management system is not the ultimate solution when it comes to RoRo freight because the business requirements and processes are different compared to containers or any other type of shipping. Logisoft provides you with the necessary services explicitly tailored to meet your RoRo business needs. These services include customized input forms, wheeled cargo-related fields (make, mode, body type, etc.), RoRo shipping documents, modules, and features that are built specifically for RORO such as VIN decoder, and much more. This will make it easier for your business to integrate, improve efficiency, and function smoothly. If your freight business deals with RoRo shipping, then automating it will provide you with customized services specifically for your freight to ensure that all is running smoothly and avoid any mishaps along the way. 

These types of software are aimed to make your business more successful and hence your life way easier. Keep in mind that all of these benefits lead to one another - like the domino effect. If you have proper performance analysis, this will improve your company's performance, thus improving customer experience and reducing costs. It's one big cycle where every little factor can affect another. So make the right decision, get on board with advanced solution software to improve your RoRo freight, and take your business to the next level.

We’re here to help you decide… Schedule a demonstration and business consultation session with one of our consultants!

About the Author
Tarek Saab
The Founder
Founded Logisoft in 2010 and began the journey driven by a passion for revolutionizing the logistics industry.
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